DeKalb Preparatory Academy

Governing Board

Regular Meeting - work session - Saturday October 22nd, 2022 @9:30 AM

Meeting Minutes

Attendance Summary

Name Status Arrival Time Departure Time
Ms. Suzette Arnold present chair On Time At Adjournment
Mrs. Roberta Walker not present vice-chair
Tamseel Syed present member On Time At Adjournment
Dr. Wanda Brooks-Long present ex-officio On Time At Adjournment
Mrs. Wanda McKay present member On Time At Adjournment
Mrs. Janelle Wilhite present Treasurer On Time At Adjournment

Welcome and Call to Order

Welcome and Call to Order by Suzette Arnold, Board Chair, 9:34 a.m.

Ascertain a Quorum


Suzette Arnold

Tamseel Syed

Wanda McKay

Janelle Wilhite

Wanda Brooks-Long, Ex-Officio

Not present

Roberta Walker – not present

Approval of Agenda

Motion to approve the agenda

Motion made:            Tamseel Syed

Motion seconded by: Janelle Wilhite

Motion Carries: Unanimous vote

Motion to approve the agenda

By: Tamseel Syed Seconded by: Mrs. Janelle Wilhite

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Executive Session

Motion to move to Executive Session to discuss personnel and legal matters

Motion made by:        Tamseel Syed

Motion seconded b:   Wanda McKay

Motion Carries: Unanimous vote

Motion to move to Executive Session to discuss personnel and legal matters

By: Tamseel Syed Seconded by: Mrs. Wanda McKay

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Motion to resume regular meeting at 9:45 a.m.

By: Mrs. Wanda McKay Seconded by: Tamseel Syed

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Head of School Report

Head of School Report – Dr. Brooks-Long and Melba Smith

Melba Smith, Interim Principal, presented the Interim Principal’s Report which included:


September Monthly Highlights and Pulse Check

           Fire Drill and Active Shooter Drill were reported to the State.

September 29, 2022 - Title I Meeting hosted by our Parent and Community Liaison.

           Progress Reports went home last week.​

All FTE errors have been corrected and signed off.

Visit from DCSD Innovation Team on October 3, 2022, went well.  Glows and Grows were provided to School Leadership. Overall, significant positive change was noted. We are still waiting for the written report.

PBIS Kickoff has taken place and monthly incentive events are being held to reward teachers and students for their hard work.​

TKES formal observations have begun.

DPA received $20,000.00 in additional in Title I funds. School leadership would like to utilize the funds laptops for teachers. DPA received $32,14 0.00 in Title 2 funds that the school leadership would like to utilize for Professional Development for Teachers in Mathematics and Guided Reading training.

DPA received $17,664 in Title 4 funds that the school would like to utilize for Teacher Professional Development.

Homecoming Committee Schoolwide Fundraising Efforts Rendered: $15, 728.00. These funds will be utilized for schoolwide student, teacher and parent initiatives.


Student Enrollment

Grade Level                                       Students Recorded                             

Kindergarten                                                  54                                           

1st                                                                   65                                                      

2nd                                                                  58                                           

3rd                                                                   62                                           

4th                                                                   63                                           

5th                                                                   61                                           

6th                                                                   73                                           

7th                                                                   65                                           

8th                                                                   61                   

           Total:                                                           562



Kennesaw State University

We are working to develop a partnership with the Kennesaw State University School of Education. Dr. Kwanza is attempting to add DPA to the list of schools allow student teachers to complete their field experiences and student teaching practicums.

Georgia State University – Reading Recovery Program

The program is off to a good start. There are currently seven teachers in the program. The teachers attend weekly sessions at Georgia State. Teachers have begun to utilize the strategies that they are learning. Behind the Glass construction will begin this week.


Excel and Accel Academy begin the week of October 3, 2022

Accel Academy is every Tuesday through Thursday from 3:45 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. Attendees are High Level 1 and Level 2 learners. There are currently 70 students in the program.

Excel Academy will take place every Saturday from 10:00 a.m. -12 noon. This academy services Gifted Students and High Level 3 and 4 students. There are currently 15 students in the program.

Many of our students participate in Fall sports and we anticipate that participation in both academies will increase after Fall sports.


Field Trips

The second grade has submitted documentation for approval for a trip to Zoo Atlanta.


PBL/AVC Kick Off and Topics

We are approaching our third week of benchmarks. Ms. Smith shared slides from Health Empowers interacting with one grade level.

Kindergarten – Community Helpers

1st Grade – Healthy Eating and Health Lifestyle

2nd Grade – Fitness and Healthy Living

3rd Grade – Local Markets and Healthy Eating                  

4th Grade – Garden of Hope

5th Grade – Microorganisms

6th Grade – World Hunger

7th Grade – Food Deserts

8th Grade – Preparing for Life after High School


Media Center Upgrades

Ms. Smith shared pictures of the upgraded furniture in the Media Center. Ms. McKay commented that the Media Center looks better but the carpet might also need to be replaced.


Upcoming Instructional Training

Balanced Math #2 and Guided Reading #2 – October 26, 2022

Think Like a Champion – Teaching Training Techniques – October 23, 2022

Readers and Writers Training – Mr. Dennis – November 3, 2022

New Teacher Mentorship Meeting with Dr. Blackshear - October 26, 2022

Differentiated Instruction – Upcoming


Fall MAP Data 2022- Baseline  

Ms. Smith reviewed Fall Map Data. She reminded the committee that the Fall MAP Assessment establishes the baseline. Ms. Smith provided a review of data for each grade level and subject and the percentage of students per grade that tested above, at or below grade level. The gaps identified in the MAP data encouraged the Instructional Leadership team to expedite the initiation of the EXCEL and ACCEL Academies.


Intentional Intervention Plans

Ms. Smith reviewed the Intentional Intervention Plans for Math, Reading, Science and Social Studies. She shared some of the strategies to increase vocabulary, writing and reading proficiency. Ms. Smith also shared some of the strategies utilized to increase math vocabulary, fluency in math skills and an intentional effort to teach all standards.


Board Comments:

Mr. Syed stated that the presentation was excellent. He asked questions regarding the comparison of the data that was presented with data from previous years. Mr. Syed and Ms. Smith discussed whether it would bring value to provide this comparison since we have so many new students. Mr. Syed stated that this data would be beneficial to the board.


Mr. Syed also stated that the presentation on the Media Center was good. Ms. McKay agreed. The issue of replacement carpet will be addressed through the Development Team. Ms. McKay asked for the status of hiring a Media Specialist. Dr. Brooks-Long informed the board that we are still in the hiring process. Dr. Brooks-Long also stated that she would include the replacement of Media Center carpet in the Facilities Grant. 

Dashboard PresentationDr. Wanda Brooks-Long

The dashboard is aligned to the Strategic Plan and Charter Renewal Process and CCRPI demographics. Dr. Brooks-Long gave an overview of each section. Highlights include:

Student Demographics - Dr. Brooks-Long gave an overview of the student demographic section of the dashboard. Currently there are 5 Asian Students, 4 students or 2 or more races, and 19 Hispanic students registered at DPA. This data indicates that our diversity is increasing. The Demographic Summary provides an overview of the varied populations we provide educational services to and the need to differentiate our Academic, Social Emotional support s to meet the needs of the students that we serve. Ms. Smith shared the activities for Hispanic Heritage Month. DPA honored Spanish Champions in the morning mix and on the televisions throughout the school.


Nutrition Count – Nutrition drives our Title I reimbursement. There are 94 Free and Reduced applications that have not been completed by parents. We have a team that will come together to assist parents with getting those applications completed or getting the denied applications converted to free or reduced. There are currently 422 students free and 47 students reduced.


Employee Demographics/Human Resources Management –

Staff demographics have not changed.


Student Attendance

Decrease in attendance in grades K-6 from August. We need to focus on grades K-3. Attendance Committee has an Attendance Action plan that will be presented in November. The Climate and Culture plan will also be presented in November.


Staff Attendance

Ms. Smith will address staff attendance as she conducts her pre-observation conferences.

August staff absence rate is 31%

September staff absence rate in September is 46%

State standard is 95%

Staff Attendance plan is being developed which includes a staff incentive plan.

Substitute budget has not been touched at all yet. We decreased the substitute budget from $150,000 last year to $75,000 this year. We are currently looking for a company to support us by providing subs. We are also looking at whether it is more feasible to have in-house subs. The final recommendation will be brought to the board in November.



Mr. Syed asked when the Board will receive the Student Attendance Improvement Plan. Dr. Brooks-Long stated that the Student Attendance Improvement Plan will be presented in October.


Financial section – report will be presented in the October board meeting. Based on GaDoE measures, we are within the established parameters.


Human Resources – We have a 97% retention rate. Dr. Brooks-Long reviewed all resignations, new hires and vacancies. Mr. Syed asked questions about the School Resource Officer position. Dr. Brooks-Long explained that the SRO resigned. There was approval to hire contracted SRO while the hiring process for a full-time replacement was underway during the Special Called Board Meeting in September. A board action for the full-time replacement will be presented in November. Dr. Brooks-Long brought up the need for a traffic light. Ms. McKay commented about the dangers of the intersection



Lockers have been installed. Water coolers have been purchased and placed in each classroom. Therefore the cost of water will increase.

We do not have the proper integration of our Fire and Security System with DCSD or DeKalb County. A vendor change might be forthcoming.

Facilities grant is due to DCSD on October 28. The report will go to the Governance Committee next month.


Mr. Syed stated that for the purpose of the October Governing Board meeting, we should present a summary and not the entire report. Perhaps just the important parts of each tab.



Dr. Brooks-Long reviewed the data regarding the status of teacher evaluations.

Committee Reports

Finance Committee – Janelle Wilhite

Per Dr. Brooks-Long, the Finance Report will be presented at the October Governing Board meeting on Tuesday.


Governance Committee Report – Tamseel Syed

There was a Governance Committee meeting on yesterday. Unfortunately, Dr. Brooks-Long had an emergency so many questions were left unanswered.


Two recommendations from Governance Committee

·      Move back to all in-person meetings in November

·      Other recommendation was already fulfilled earlier today.

Dr. Brooks-Long will have to bring up all unresolved compliance items as Other Business on Tuesday.


Development Committee Report – Wanda McKay

The Development Committee met.


Ms. Smith already provided information regarding the Title I, Title 2 and Title 4 grants and the use of those funds.


Contest for King and Queen that raised approximately $16,000

Decided to postpone the Golf Tournament until next year.


The date and time of the Development Committee has changed to the 4th

Thursday of each month at 4 p.m.


The committee also discussed the need for new team members.


There wasn’t anything for the committee to vote on but Ms. McKay does want the board to look at the new committee members. Mr. Syed stated that Ms. McKay should send her recommended committee members to Ms. Arnold for approval.

Mr. Syed stated that Dr. Brooks-Long can assign more than one staff member to each committee. Dr. Brooks-Long stated that Mr. Dennis and Dr. Blackshear have been assigned to the Development Committee.


Ms. Smith has been very helpful.

Ms. Reid is stepping down from the Committee due to other school related responsibilities

Mr. Syed stated that this was a great report and that he is pleased with the monies that are coming in. He stated that Ms. McKay is a good committee chair.  Ms. McKay will receive some CharterBoards training from Mr. Syed now that she has learned how to create the agenda. Discussion regarding sending items to Ms. Arnold for inclusion on the agenda for the October Board Meeting: the Development report will be a part of the consent agenda. The Kennesaw State University MOU will be a part of the discussion agenda


Academic Committee Report – Dr. Wanda Brooks-Long

Committee met. Items from Academic Committee items for consideration are new hires and purchase items.

Purchase items:

Classroom Smartboards

Fieldtrip to Zoo Atlanta

FTE/QBE Funding, Scheduling, Training Consultant-Mary Bostic

Laptops for Teachers

Going for the Gold

Teacher Incentives

MOU with KSU


New Hires

Carol Jackson, Literacy Interventionist

Judy Atkins – Paraprofessional Media Center

Valjean Williams - Teacher – 7th Grade Literacy Teacher


Mr. Syed stated that he thinks the New Hires should be a part of the consent agenda. He will reach out to Ms. Wilhite today to discuss since she is not on the call to vote. The Purchase items will go to the discussion agenda. If there is a need for a vote, it can happen on Tuesday.

Any Other Business

Mr. Syed stated that Dr. Brooks-Long will

send list of all items that are to be included as Consent Agenda Items and/or Discussion Items on the October Governing Board Meeting Agenda to Ms. Arnold. 


Motion to adjourn at 12:05 p.m.

Motion made by: Wanda McKay

Motion seconded by: W. Brooks-Long

Motion carries: Unanimous vote

Motion to adjourn at 12:05 p.m.

By: Mrs. Wanda McKay Seconded by: Dr. Wanda Brooks-Long

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

The Meeting was Adjourned

The meeting adjourned at approximately 12:21 am

Motion to adjourn

By: Mrs. Wanda McKay Seconded by: Dr. Wanda Brooks-Long

There was no notable discussion on the motion.