DeKalb Preparatory Academy

Governing Board

Regular Meeting - Tuesday August 23rd, 2022 @6:30 PM

Meeting Minutes

Attendance Summary

Name Status Arrival Time Departure Time
Ms. Suzette Arnold present chair On Time At Adjournment
Mrs. Roberta Walker present vice-chair On Time At Adjournment
Tamseel Syed present member On Time At Adjournment
Karen Shabazz not present secretary
Dr. Wanda Brooks-Long present ex-officio On Time At Adjournment
Mrs. Wanda McKay present member On Time At Adjournment
Mrs. Janelle Wilhite present Treasurer On Time At Adjournment

Welcome and Call to Order

Welcome and Call to Order by Board Chair, Suzette Arnold at 6:33 p.m.

Approval of Agenda

Motion to move Executive Session to the top of the agenda to discuss Personnel Matters and to move to Executive Session to discuss personnel matters at 6:40 p.m.

Motion to move Executive Session to the top of the agenda to discuss Personnel Matters and to move to Executive Session to discuss personnel matters at 6:40 p.m.

By: Mrs. Janelle Wilhite Seconded by: Mrs. Roberta Walker

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Executive Session

Motion to move to Executive Session to discuss personnel matters at 6:40 p.m.

By: Mrs. Janelle Wilhite Seconded by: Mrs. Roberta Walker

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Motion to resume regular meeting and return to the agenda at 7:20 p.m.

By: Mrs. Roberta Walker Seconded by: Mrs. Janelle Wilhite

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Ascertain a Quorum

Ascertain a Quorum – 6:33 p.m.

Suzette Arnold – arrived on time/left at adjournment

Roberta Walker – arrived on time/left at adjournment

Janelle Wilhite – arrived on time/left at adjournment

Wanda McKay – arrived on time/left at adjournment

Tamseel Syed – arrived on time/left at adjournment

Wanda Brooks-Long – Ex-Officio – arrived on time/left at adjournment

Karen Shabazz – not in attendance

Consent Agenda

HOS Report

Academic Report


Human Resource


D. Wilson - $59,659.95

V. Blackshear (PT) - $40,320.00

S. Riley - $69,259.31

C. Pope - $59,669.95

P. Sims - $59,669.95

D. Wells - $59,669.95


B. Aaron - $66,012.22

Motion to Approve/Accept items on the consent agenda

Motion to Approve/Accept items on the consent agenda

By: Mrs. Roberta Walker Seconded by: Mrs. Wanda McKay

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Public Comment

Ms. Guyton commented via zoom chat feature: "I just want to say how wonderful it is to have Principal Smith"

Report from Governing Board

The Governing Board met on Saturday July 23rd, 2022 @9:30 AM for what was scheduled to be a 2 hours and 17 minutes long meeting. Present: Roberta Walker, Tamseel Syed, Dr. Wanda Brooks-Long, Wanda McKay, Janelle Wilhite Not Present: Suzette Arnold, Karen Shabazz The members considered the following items: 1. Welcome and Call to Order 2. Ascertain a Quorum 3. Approve the Agenda 4. HOS Report 5. Finance Committee 6. Executive Session 7. Items for Approval by Consent Agenda 8. Items for Discussion Agenda on July 26th, 2022 9. Development Committee 10. Governance Committee 11. Any Other Business 12. Adjourn The committee considered 5 motions, of which 5 passed, and 0 failed: 1. Motion to add Executive Session to the agenda (passed) 2. Motion to move to Executive Session to discuss personnel matters at 10:31 a.m. (passed) 3. Motion to reconvene regular meeting at 11:26 a.m. (passed) 4. Motion to include Legal Engagement with Robert Fortson and provision of Lawn Maintenance Services with DLE on the consent agenda in addition to other items. (passed) 5. Motion to adjourn at 12:34 p.m. (passed) The meeting adjourned at 1:39AM

Committee Reports

Finance Reports

Items for discussion:

Budget Amendment - $221,000

Credit Card Policy

Building Lease (Administration) - $46,000

Report presented:

The Finance Committee did not meet in August. However, there are items that carried over from July that should be considered.

Central Office Building Lease –change from 2-year lease to a 12-month lease at $23, 028

Motion to approve the lease with the change from 2-year lease to a 12-month lease.

Motion made by: Wanda McKay

Motion seconded by: Roberta Walker

Approved by unanimous vote


Credit Card Policy

Motion made by: Janelle Wilhite

Motion Seconded by: Roberta Walker

Approved by unanimous vote


Budget Adjustment to increase our legal fees to McGuire Woods for Charter 7 only

After brief discussion, decision was made to rescind this request and present to the board next month.

Motion to approve the lease with the change from 2-year lease to a 12-month lease.

By: Mrs. Wanda McKay Seconded by: Mrs. Roberta Walker

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Motion to approve Credit Card Policy

By: Mrs. Janelle Wilhite Seconded by: Mrs. Roberta Walker

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Open Items for Discussion

Agenda items: Strategic Plan, School Climate Survey, Board Retreat, DCSD Walk Through


Celebration of the Teachers that Beat the District and/or State on the Georgia Milestones Testing. The teachers will receive board incentives and public acknowledgement on our website and school CCTV: Yauntia Gentry, Sadrina Sampson, Monique Wright-Smith, Veronica Jordan. There


Strategic Plan – will be provided to all board members at the retreat on Saturday.


School Climate Survey- The School Climate Survey from last year will be presented in the upcoming months through out Parent Liaison and Community Liaison through her process. School has not received the CCRPI school climate survey.


Board Retreat – Scheduled for Saturday, August . Awaiting a call from the presenters. Information will be provided to the full board and all attendees by the end of the business day on tomorrow.


DCSD Walk Through – Received feedback from the district on the August 23. Dr. Felton joined us today. The issues have been addressed and an email with an update has been forwarded to all Board members. Dr. Felton and her team are working with DPA again tomorrow to address outstanding issues. The Governing Board Chair requested a detailed Corrective Action Plan be presented to the Governing Board.


Ms. Arnold requested that a new School Climate Survey be conducted this school year. The intent is to have a Pre-School Climate survey conducted to see where we are now, at the beginning of school. Also, in December to see where we are and what changes need to be made. Finally, at the end of the year to track our progress. This information may guide us to where we have gaps and determine where we can best support the staff and students. Ms. Arnold asked that the Pre-School Climate be prepared and presented at the September Board Meeting. Dr. Brooks-Long indicated that it is already done prepared and will go out through the Parent and Community Liaison in September.


Human Resources Manager – Motion for the approval of Shonnia Houston, as the Human Resources Manager at $78, 179.51, that was discussed in the Executive Session.

Motion made by: Roberta Walker

Motion Seconded by: Tamseel Syed

Approved by unanimous vote


Audit – Treasurer, Janelle Wilhite, requested a status report of the audit. Due to the timing of our communication with him in conjunction with the transition, he recommended that we remain with our previous auditor. The board recommended that we switched auditors. Dr. Brooks-Long will provide all auditor emails to Governing Board Members on Wednesday, August 24, 2022.

Motion for the approval of Shonnia Houston, as the Human Resources Manager at $78, 179.51, that was discussed in the Executive Session.

By: Mrs. Roberta Walker Seconded by: Tamseel Syed

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Any Other Business

Nothing else was discussed


Motion to adjourn at 8:11 p.m.

The Meeting was Adjourned

The meeting adjourned at approximately 1:28 pm

Motion to adjourn

By: Mrs. Roberta Walker Seconded by: Mrs. Wanda McKay

There was no notable discussion on the motion.