DeKalb Preparatory Academy

Governing Board

Emergency Called Meeting - Monday August 9th, 2021 @6:30 PM

Meeting Minutes

Attendance Summary

Name Status Arrival Time Departure Time
Mrs. Wanda McKay not present member
Ms. Suzette Arnold not present chair
Mrs. Roberta Walker not present vice-chair
Marcus Vassell not present member
Tamseel Syed not present member
Mrs. Janelle Wilhite not present Treasurer
Karen Shabazz not present secretary

Approval of Agenda

The committee approves the agenda items.

motion to approve agenda as presented, made by Mr. Syed, second by Mr. Vassell

no objections

Welcome and Call to Order

The meeting will be called to the order. Roll call to ascertain board quorum for the meeting.

Other Business

no other business to discuss

Health and Safety Issues at DPA

State of Health report by Ms. Pettis

As of July 28, Dekalb (30032 zip code) is in the 8.4% positivity rate.

Technology is being distributed to students

Currently 15 confirmed COVID-19 individuals

All 6th graders were quarantined due to one confirmed case at this grade level.

The entire 4th, 5th, 8th grades are being quarantined due to positive cases within their grade levels.

There is one kindergarten student who has tested positive.

For two weeks, Aug 12-26, all students will be virtual. Teachers will continue to come to school. They will teach virtually from the DPA building.

MAP testing will be moved to a later date within the testing window. Students who elect virtual instruction will come into the building in cohorts to take the MAP test.

Parents will be sent a survey no later than August 10 asking them to choice between in-person or virtual learning. Survey is to be returned by August 12.

The Board is asking Ms. Pettis for a contingency plan as to how cases of COVID-19 in growing numbers will be handled in the future. Ms. Pettis will provide this information by August 20.

motion to accept the virtual safety plan put forth by Ms. Pettis beginning on Aug 12 with planned returned date of Aug 26 as made by Ms. Shabazz, second by Ms. McKay

no objections

motion to amend the agenda to add executive session to discuss a personnel matter made by Ms. Shabazz, second Mr Vassell

no objections

motion to move to executive session to discuss personnel matters made by Ms. Wilhite.

no objections

motion to end executive session and return to regular meeting made by Ms. Shabazz, second by Mr. Syed.

no objections

motion to adjourn meeting at 8:07pm, made by Mr. Syed, second by Ms. McKay

no objections.

The Meeting was Adjourned

The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:07 pm

Motion to adjourn

There was no notable discussion on the motion.