Meeting Summary
The Governing Board met on Tuesday June 29th, 2021 @6:00 PM for what was scheduled to be a 1 hours and 21 minutes long meeting. Present: Wanda McKay, Roberta Walker, Karen Shabazz, Marcus Vassell, Tamseel Syed, Janelle Wilhite Not Present: Suzette Arnold
The members considered the following items:
- Welcome and Call to Order
- Approval of Agenda
- Public Comment
- Executive Session
The committee considered 12 motions, of which 11 passed, and 0 failed:
- Approve the agenda as submitted (proposed)
- Motion to approve 18 week plan (passed)
- Motion to approve student/family handbook (passed)
- motion to approve the employee handbook (passed)
- Motion to approved the purchase of laptop carts with the Amazon Business account in the amount of $9,599.84. (passed)
- Motion to move to executive session to discuss personnel matters. (passed)
- motion to end executive session and return to the regular meeting. (passed)
- motion to add the approval of the contingency budget to the agenda (passed)
- Motion to accept School Gourmet as the school nutrition vendor with the stipulation that DPA monitors the vendor's public health review score and monitors for the proper temperature when transporting food from its facility to DPA. (passed)
- motion to approve the contingency budget for 480 students for $4,772,762. (passed)
- motion to approve the contingency budget for 540 students for $5,412,068. (passed)
motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:03pm (passed)
The meeting adjourned at 10:22PM