The meeting will be called to the order.
The committee approves the agenda items.
Finance Report
Academic Report
Development Report
Invoices: By Board Action
Success Maker - $2,500
The Governing Board met on Tuesday June 22nd, 2021 @6:30 PM for what was scheduled to be a 1 hours and 52 minutes long meeting. Present: Wanda McKay, Suzette Arnold, Karen Shabazz, Tamseel Syed, Janelle Wilhite
Not Present: Roberta Walker, Marcus Vassell
The members considered the following items:
1. Welcome and Call to Order
2. Approval of Board via Consent Agenda
3. Approval of Last Month's Minutes from Governing Board
4. Head of School Report
5. Committee Report
6. Public Comment
7. Executive Session
8. Other Business
The committee considered 20 motions, of which 20 passed, and 0 failed:
1. motion to approve the consent agenda and the monthly board meeting agenda. (passed)
2. motion to approve the meetings from the monthly board meeting held in May. (passed)
3. motion to accept the HOS report as presented (passed)
4. motion to accept the report as presented (passed)
5. motion to approve the fiscal year 2022 budget as presented by CFO, Ms. Wright with the understanding Saturday School will return to the budget for the full year, the elimination of one non-instructional position and the reduction of one non-instructional from full time to part time. (passed)
6. motion to move to executive session to discuss personnel matters. (passed)
7. motion to move out of executive session and return to regular meeting (passed)
8. motion to resume regular session meeting (passed)
9. motion to approve the engagement for a financial audit in the amount of $10,500 to be provided by Bambo Sonaike (passed)
10. motion to HvH mechanical installation of two new units for $14,300. (passed)
11. motion to approve annual renewal of academic, security, and learning management software for $63,059 (passed)
12. motion to approve commercial insurance not to exceed $65,000 and fire alarm/sprinkler maintenance in the amount of $2,134 (passed)
13. Motion to approve the selection of ICS Janitorial Services in the amount of $94,680 for one year. (passed)
14. Motion to approve the selection of ICS Janitorial Services in the amount of $94,680 for one year. (passed)
15. Motion to approve the selection of ICS Janitorial Services in the amount of $94,680 for one year. (passed)
16. Motion to approve the selection of ICS Janitorial Services in the amount of $94,680 for one year. (passed)
17. motion to approve Yellowstone Landscape in the amount of $7,800 for landscape maintenance for one year. (passed)
18. motion to table a vote on a new food service vendor until such time the board is able to have an action item and supporting documentation to review prior to a vote. (passed)
19. motion to table the purchase of blinds from Home Depot until such time as there is further review. (passed)
20. motion for salary adjustment not to exceed $5,500 for the interim HOS effective by June 30 (passed)
The meeting adjourned at 8:57PM
The process is led by designated officer: Roberta Walker - Board Vice Chair
The school leader reports on the status of the school.
Charter Renewal
Strategic Plan
Board Retreat
Our Public Comment period is for members of the public to address the board. Each member of the public may sign up to comment at the meeting, and will be allotted two minutes. The board will listen, but may not directly respond to any comments. Our meetings are open to the public and public record. As such, if your comment is about a private matter, please contact the board via email, or speak to the board chair privately.