Meeting Summary
The Governing Board met on Tuesday February 23rd, 2021 @6:30 PM for what was scheduled to be a 1 hours and 59 minutes long meeting. Present: Wanda McKay, Suzette Arnold, Roberta Walker, Karen Shabazz, Janelle Wilhite Not Present: Marcus Vassell, Tamseel Syed
The members considered the following items:
- Welcome and Call to Order
- Head of School Report
- Report from Academic Committee
- Report from Finance Committee
- Report from Development
- Public Comment
- Any Other Business
- Adjournment
The committee considered 5 motions, of which 5 passed, and 0 failed:
- Motion to approve amended janitorial contract provided language is added to state contract is in effect until such time staff and students return to the building. (passed)
- Motion to approve Securly website monitoring subscription for $10,600 for one year (passed)
- Motion to move to executive session. (passed)
- Motion to amend the current budget for the SY2020-21 as reflected on financial reports as requested by the CFO in the amount of $487,476. (passed)
Motion to hire KLS Workforce Solutions as the recruiter for the HOS position in the amount of 15% of the HOS salary. (passed)
The meeting adjourned at 11:44AM