DeKalb Preparatory Academy

Governing Board

Regular Meeting - Monday August 24th, 2020 @6:00 PM

Meeting Minutes

Attendance Summary

Name Status Arrival Time Departure Time
Mrs. Janelle Wilhite not present member
Chris Estes not present ex-officio
Mrs. Wanda McKay not present member
Ms. Suzette Arnold not present chair
Tamara Gammon not present Treasurer
Mrs. Roberta Walker not present vice-chair
Karen Shabazz not present member
Marcus Vassell not present member
Tamseel Syed not present member

Welcome and Call to Order

The meeting will be called to the order at 6:06pm

Approval of Agenda

Agenda approved with correction noted for last month's report. Ms. Gammon was not present.

Approve the agenda as submitted

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Approval of July 2020 meeting minutes by Mr. Syed, second by Mr. Vassell.

July meeting minutes approved with correction of July 2020 minutes.

Head of School Report

The school leader reports on the status of the school:

Enrollment does not reflect "no shows"

Ordered PPE is on site.

DPA Re-opening Guidelines Report shared

Motion to accept report as presented by Syed, second by McKay

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Finance Committee Report

Committee met August 17, 2020

Ms. Wright shared financial reports. She is seeking COVID-19 related grant.


Motion to accept report as presented by Arnold, second by McKay

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Report from Academic Committee

The Academic Committee met on Wednesday July 15th, 2020 @1:00 PM for what was scheduled to be a 0 hours and 53 minutes long meeting. Present: Chris Estes, Roberta Walker, Veronica Grant, Melba Smith, Carla Pettis, Lakeisha Strickland, Karen Shabazz Not Present: none The members considered the following items: 1. Welcome and Call to Order 2. Academic Concerns 3. Professional Learning 4. Next Meeting Date and Time 5. Adjourment The committee considered 1 motions, of which 1 passed, and 0 failed: 1. Meeting adjourned at 1:50 p.m. (passed) The meeting adjourned at 1:50PM

Academic Committee Info. shared with the board:

Academic Committee to share a list of the educational platforms being used, when/how they are being used, any technological difficulties experienced with these platforms

Academic Committee to survey the teachers to elicit their feedback on remote learning thus far

Academic Committee to look at total screen time for young students and how to balance educational needs of young students with developmental needs related to movement, attention span, physiological needs.

Report from Governing Board

The Governing Board met on Monday July 27th, 2020 @5:30 PM for what was scheduled to be a 2 hours and 13 minutes long meeting. Present: Janelle Wilhite, Chris Estes, Wanda McKay, Suzette Arnold, Roberta Walker, Karen Shabazz, Marcus Vassell, Tamseel Syed, Not Present: Tamara Gammon The members considered the following items: 1. Welcome and Call to Order 2. Approval of Agenda 3. Head of School Report 4. Report from Finance Committee 5. Report from Academic Committee 6. Report from Development 7. Other Business 8. Public Comment 9. Executive Session 10. Adjournment The committee considered 8 motions, of which 8 passed, and 0 failed: 1. Motion by Ms. Walker to purchase Superkids consummable materials for K-2 students for $6,677.61. Second by Mr. Vassell (passed) 2. Motion by Ms. Walker to purchase Galopade a digitial social studies resource for grades K-8 for $9,137.05. Second by Mr. Vassell (passed) 3. Motion by Ms. Walker to approve the purchase of software for no more than $10,000 to enable DPA's IT personnel to upload DPA curriculum to the cloud. Second by Mr. Vassell (passed) 4. Motion by Ms. Walker to Amend the Motion for software purchase to the cost of $10,566. Second by Mr. Vassell (passed) 5. Motion by Ms. Walker to move to executive session at 8:01pm (passed) 6. Motion to move out of executive session at 8:28pm and return to regular session. (passed) 7. Motion by Ms. Walker to approve contract of Cross & Dot for $6,500 for virtual training. (passed) 8. Mr. Estes motions to adjourn meeting at 8:30pm. Second by Ms.Walker (passed) The meeting adjourned at 11:03PM

Report from Development

The Development met on August 21, 2020 @9:30 AM for what was scheduled to be a 1 hours and 0 minutes long meeting. Present: Tanya Watkins, Marcus Vassell, Tamseel Syed Not Present: Wanda McKay The members considered the following items: 1. Adjourn 2. Development Committee Report Updates 3. Welcome and Call to Order 4. The Meeting was Adjourned The committee considered 1 motions, of which 1 passed, and 0 failed: 1. Motion to adjourn (passed) Development Committee Shared with the Board:

  • Grants have been submitted to Clorox and Sony.
  • A grant will be re-submitted to Walmart in September.
  • The National Education Association has an array of grants. Ms. Watkins would like to explore membership to this group.

Motion to accept report as presented by Mr. Syed, second by Ms. Arnold

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Pubic Comment

Ms. Abraham, a grandparent expressed concern about the amount of screen time students have with remote learning. She would like to see more breaks within a day's schedule and would like to know if the school day schedule can be revised?

Ms. Roberts, a DPA teacher advised Class Dojo email only goes to one person (per family). The one person listed by the teacher as she enrolls students' parents into Class Dojo.

Ms. Roberts also shared she believes an all day virtual class is not sustainable for kids in terms of their stamina and developmental ability to have instruction.

Executive Session

There are 13 extra days as part of the 2020-21 school year. In pushing back the start of the school year, days were added to the academic year in June to allow for 192 days of instruction for students. Teachers have worked an extra 13 days.

Mr. Estes to write up the options to address the 13 days as it relates to teachers. Ms. Wright will provide an estimate of salary cost addition for the 13 days.

New Hires candidates for an art teacher and science teacher were presented to the board.

Cross & Dot services for a 360 School Assessment and professional development training was discussed.

Motion to end executive session and return to general session by Mr.Syed, second by Ms. McKay.

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Return to General Session

Return to general session at 9:30pm

Motion to hire Mr. Robinson as an art teacher for 2020-21 school year by Ms. Walker, second by Ms. Arnold

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Motion to hire Ms. Schlientz as an 8th grade science teacher by Ms. Walker, second by Ms. McKay

There was no notable discussion on the motion.


Motion to adjourn meeting at 9:33pm by Mr. Syed, second by Ms. McKay.

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

The Meeting was Adjourned

The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:33 pm

Motion to adjourn

There was no notable discussion on the motion.