The meeting will be called to the order.
The committee approves the agenda items.
The Governing Board met on Tuesday February 25th, 2020 @6:30 PM for what was scheduled to be a 2 hours and 23 minutes long meeting. Present: Janelle Wilhite, Chris Estes, Roberta Walker, Karen Shabazz, Marcus Vassell
Not Present: Wanda McKay, Suzette Arnold, Tamara Gammon
The members considered the following items:
1. Welcome and Call to Order
2. Meeting Pupose Statement
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Report from Governing Board
5. Head of School Report
6. Report from Academic Committee
7. Report from Development
8. Finance Committee Report
9. Governance Committee Report
10. Public Comment
11. Any Other Business
12. Adjournment
The committee considered 9 motions, of which 9 passed, and 0 failed:
1. motion to approved agenda as amended (passed)
2. motion to accept report as presented (passed)
3. motion to accept report as presented (passed)
4. motion to accept the report as presented (passed)
5. motion to approve the Ciridia invoice in the amount of $7,797 for the month of February (passed)
6. board voted to approve a pay increase for Ms. Simpson (passed)
7. Board voted to accept the application of a new board member. (passed)
8. motion to adjourn meeting at 8:15pm (passed)
9. motion to accept report as submitted (passed)
The meeting adjourned at 7:26PM
The school leader reports on the status of the school.
The Governance Committee met on Thursday February 20th, 2020 @6:30 PM for what was scheduled to be a 0 hours and 53 minutes long meeting. Present: Janelle Wilhite, Karen Shabazz, Wanda McKay
Not Present: Suzette Arnold, Roberta Walker
The members considered the following items:
1. Welcome and Call to Order
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Training Hours Update
4. Strategic Plan
5. HOS Evaluation
6. Communications Plan
7. Board Retreat
8. Other Business
9. Adjournment
The committee considered 2 motions, of which 2 passed, and 0 failed:
1. Approve the agenda as submitted (passed)
2. Motion to adjourn the meeting. (passed)
The meeting adjourned at 10:45PM
No Committee Meeting Minutes available.
Budget Proposal including Contingency Budget
Facilities Management
Vendor Contracts
AVC Needs
The Academic Committee met on Wednesday February 19th, 2020 @1:00 PM for what was scheduled to be a 1 hours and 13 minutes long meeting. Present: Roberta Walker, Selina Dukes-Walton, Veronica Grant, Melba Smith, Carla Pettis, Karen Shabazz
Not Present: Chris Estes, Lakeisha Strickland
The members considered the following items:
1. Welcome and Call to Order
2. Review of online subscriptions
3. Analysis of students making A's and B's on report card
4. Summer Programs
5. On-boarding for New Teachers
6. Other Academic Concerns
7. Next meeting Date and Time
8. Adjournment
The committee considered 0 motions, of which 0 passed, and 0 failed:
The meeting adjourned at 1:45 PM
The Development met on Friday February 21st, 2020 @9:30 AM for what was scheduled to be a 0 hours and 1 minutes long meeting. Present: Tanya Watkins, Wanda McKay, Marcus Vassell
Not Present: none
The members considered the following items:
1. Welcome and Call to Order
2. DPA Department Priorities Review
3. The Meeting was Adjourned
4. Full Meeting Minutes
The committee considered 2 motions, of which 1 passed, and 0 failed:
1. Approve the agenda as submitted (proposed)
2. Motion to adjourn (passed)
The meeting adjourned at 10:15 AM