DeKalb Preparatory Academy

Academic Committee

Regular Meeting - Wednesday May 16th, 2018 @1:00 PM

Meeting Agenda

Call to Order 1 minutes

Meeting call to order at 1:10 p.m. by Roberta Walker

Update on Summer Tutorials 15 minutes

Schedule- June 11 - 22. We will offer remediation for students who did not pass the reading and/or math portion of the Milestone test in grades 3 and 5. Enrichment for rising 6th graders and rising 3rd graders.

Breakfast and Lunch - Mrs. Pettis will follow up with DCSD about the delivery schedule of the meals

Faculty Hired - teachers are asked to submit applications by June 1.

Re-Authorization Updates 10 minutes

Information requested by the writer has been given.

Student Attendance 10 minutes

Parents have responded to the 6 day letters. Attendance is being monitored closely. Teachers are recording daily as mandated.

2018-2019 Support for Academic Programs 15 minutes

Review of approved purchasesMrs. Pettis will check on the status of the orders

Outstanding Submissions will be brought to the board for approval after the budget has been passed. We will include money in the budget for teachers to be paid for professional development that will be offered during the year after their normal working day hours.

Plan for Summer Training of School Leadership Team 15 minutes

Plans have been finalized for travel for the PBL training.

Academic Concerns 15 minutes

Committee to Study Incentive Pay for Performance - a committee of 5 teacher volunteers will be selected

2018 Board Walk Through - Friday May 18

2019-2020 School Year Calendar - Board will vote on Tuesday

Items Needing Board Action 10 minutes

Next Meeting Date and Time 1 minutes

June 7, 2018 at 1:00 p.m.

Adjournment 1 minutes

meeting adjourned at 2:15 p.m.