DeKalb Preparatory Academy

Academic Committee

Regular Meeting - Wednesday March 18th, 2020 @1:00 PM

Meeting Minutes

Attendance Summary

Name Status Arrival Time Departure Time
Chris Estes present member On Time At Adjournment
Mrs. Roberta Walker present chair On Time At Adjournment
Selina Dukes-Walton not present member
Veronica Grant present member On Time At Adjournment
Melba Smith present member On Time At Adjournment
Carla Pettis present member On Time At Adjournment
Lakeisha Strickland present Non-voting Administration On Time At Adjournment
Karen Shabazz present member On Time At Adjournment

Virtual Learning

How are we monitoring teachers

Teachers are conducting lessons for students through Google Classroom; Microsoft Teams; Class Dojo;

Grades are being posted in Infinite Campus. Groups are formed by using MAP data

Food service sites in DeKalb have been communicated to parents.

Other Academic Concerns

The top priority at this time is to make sure our students are connecting digitally. At this time we have no other means of communicating. Through Class Dojo teachers have ensured that parents are getting the messages about assignments.

Teacher Mentors for 20-21 school year

New Teachers will be able to attend PRIDE through DCSD. This is a year long professional learning opportunity for the teachers. The service will be offered at no charge to our school.

The Teacher Mentors can be trained through the DCSD Teacher Mentoring program. There will be no charge for the program.

TOTY Program

We will form a committee to begin implementing a TOTY program beginning 2020-21 school year.

Next meeting date and time

April 22, 2020 at 1:00 p.m.


The meeting was adjourned at 2:00 p.m.

Welcome and call to order

The meeting was called to order by chairperson, Roberta Walker at 1:00 p.m. This is a virtual meeting.

The Meeting was Adjourned

The meeting adjourned at approximately 2:00 p.m.

Motion to adjourn

There was no notable discussion on the motion.