Bricolage Academy

Finance Committee

Finance Committee Meeting - Monday October 26th, 2020 @4:00 PM

Meeting Agenda

Public Comment Expectations 1 minutes

Requests for public comment will be made prior to every vote taken by the Committee Members. Members of the public are invited to sign up to speak for up to two minutes and are required to keep their comments limited and relevant to the agenda item the board is voting on.

Our meetings are open to the public and public record. As such, if your comment is about a private matter, please contact the Committee Chair, Merritt Lane at

Welcome and Call to Order, Merritt Lane 1 minutes

Approval of Minutes 5 minutes


  1. Approve the Minutes from 09-23-20


Fiscal Year 19-20 Annual Audit - Anthony Rutlegde - LaPorte CPA 10 minutes

Discussion on the progress of the Annual Audit.

Federal Grant Status, Darius Munchak - EdOps 10 minutes

Update the Finance Committee on the Federal Grants awarded and collection status.

Financial Packet Review, Anne Chapman 20 minutes

Review current financial package through August 31st.

Adjourn Meeting 1 minutes