Bricolage Academy

Governing Board

Bricolage Board of Directors Meeting - Thursday April 30th, 2020 @4:00 PM

Meeting Minutes

Attendance Summary

Name Status Arrival Time Departure Time
Annie Phillips present member On Time At Adjournment
Arnel Cosey present vice-chair On Time At Adjournment
Deb Elam present secretary On Time At Adjournment
Merritt Lane present Treasurer On Time At Adjournment
Yvette Jones present chair On Time At Adjournment
Norman Barnum not present member
Tonya Johnson present member On Time At Adjournment

Call the Meeting to Order, Yvette Jones

Public Comment Expectations, Yvette Jones

Requests for public comment will be made prior to every vote taken by the Bricolage Board of Directors. Members of the public are invited to sign up to speak for up to two minutes and are required to keep their comments limited and relevant to the agenda item the board is voting on.

During the closure we will ask guests to comment online. To comment online, please submit a public comment card here: prior to the start of the meeting or within 30 minutes after the meeting begins. 

The meeting moderator will announce the speaker at the appropriate time, speaker is to self-identify with the “raise hand” feature at the bottom of the web page, and meeting moderator will unmute audio. The speaker should state their name and address for the record, public comments are limited to two minutes, per policy. Step-by-step instructions to access the Zoom live-stream can be found on our website ( and in our public calendar.

Our meetings are open to the public and public record. As such, if your comment is about a private matter, please contact the board via email (, or speak to the board chair privately. 

Approval of Minutes from Apr 2, 2020, Yvette Jones

Approve the minutes as submitted

By: Arnel Cosey Seconded by: Merritt Lane

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Chair's Report, Yvette Jones

  • Yvette Jones thanked Carolyn Louden for her service at Bricolage as interim CEO and her role in Troave' Profice's transition to CEO of Bricolage. Yvette noted that Carolyn will be working with the Board and Bricolage on special projects moving forward. Her insight is an invaluable asset to the organization and the Board.
  • Yvette Jones shared that Board Members must complete the Tier 3 Personal Financial Disclosure Statements yearly. The date to complete this is May 15th. Find the form here:
  • Yvette Jones shared that the organization and the Board will revisit the dates for the June Board Retreat. That date no longer works for Bricolage. We will circulate a list of dates later this month.

CEO Report, Troave' Profice

School Status Report

  • Troave' Profice provided an overview of Bricolage's response to COVID-19
  • Troave' Profice shared the process for ending the 2020 school year. The last day for students: 5/15/2020. The last day for staff: 5/29/2020.
  • Troave' Profice provided an update on how we will be addressing the early planning phase of the 20/21 school year.
  1. Academic
  2. Data
  3. Social/Emotional Support
  4. Potential Fall School Closure
  5. Funding
  6. Calendar Adjustments
  • Troave' Profice provided an update on student technology received by NOLA PS and partners.

Finance Report, Lauren Orgeron and Merritt Lane

  • Merritt Lane provided an overview of the PPP Loan
  1. Bricolage has received the funds (1,045,800). The Finance Committee is reviewing the loan with Bricolage staff and lawyers to decide if we will keep or return the loan. This group will also explore alternative opportunities.
  • Lauren Orgeron reviewed the Balance Sheet (3/31/2020), Current Re-forecasted Budget, and Financial Dashboard
  • Lauren Orgeron reviewed 403b adjustments for FY 21.

Report on Special Education, Equity Schools, LLC

  • Equity Schools LLC reported on the of state of Bricolage's Special Education Program.
  • Equity Schools LLC reviewed the process that was taken to assess our Special Education Program.
  • Equity Schools LLC provided the Board and Bricolage with recommendations for the vision for student support and team development, intervention continuum, special education instruction continuum, and case management and service delivery.

The Meeting was Adjourned

The meeting adjourned at approximately 2:55 pm

Motion to adjourn

By: Merritt Lane Seconded by: Tonya Johnson

There was no notable discussion on the motion.