Bricolage Academy

Governing Board

Bricolage Board of Directors Meeting - Thursday February 6th, 2020 @4:00 PM

Meeting Agenda

Public Comment Expectations, Yvette Jones 1 minutes

Requests for public comment will be made prior to every vote taken by the Bricolage Board of Directors. Members of the public are invited to sign up to speak for up to two minutes and are required to keep their comments limited and relevant to the agenda item the board is voting on.

Our meetings are open to the public and public record. As such, if your comment is about a private matter, please contact the board via email (, or speak to the board chair privately.

Call the Meeting to Order, Yvette Jones 1 minutes


  1. call the meeting to order

Approve Minutes from 1.9.2020, Yvette Jones 1 minutes


  1. approve minutes from 1.9.2020


Board Chair Report, Yvette Jones 10 minutes

CEO Report, Carolyn Louden 15 minutes

Finance Report, Lauren Orgeron 10 minutes

Auditors Presentation, LaPorte CPA 20 minutes

Closing Items, Yvette Jones 1 minutes


  1. adjourn the meeting.